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- 49000 print"[147]":poke53280,9:poke53281,7
- 49010 fora=1to5:print:next
- 49020 printtab(10)"[149]screen dump utility"
- 49030 printtab(19)"by":printtab(12)"alfred j. bruey"
- 49040 printtab(12)"[144]for ahoy magazine"
- 49050 printtab(7)"(c) ion international inc."
- 49060 printtab(5)"[156]press 'f1' to dump this screen"
- 49070 geta$:ifa$<>"[133]"then49070
- 49080 gosub 50030
- 49090 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,6:fora=1to8:print:next
- 49100 print" if you wish to use this utility as a subroutine in your own"
- 49110 printtab(24)"[145]program, remove lines 49000 to 50030 and then add the"
- 49120 print"remaining lines to your own program."
- 49130 end
- 50000 :
- 50010 rem ** screen dump subroutine **
- 50020 :
- 50030 open4,4
- 50040 fori=1023 to 2006 step 40
- 50050 pr$=""
- 50060 for j=i+1 to i+40
- 50070 v=peek(j)
- 50080 if v>127 then 50130
- 50090 ifv<=31 or v>=96 then v1=v+64:goto50120
- 50100 if v>=32 and v<=63 then v1=v:goto 50120
- 50110 v1=v+128
- 50120 pr$=pr$+chr$(v1):goto 50190
- 50130 if v<=159 or v>=224 then v1=v-64:goto 50160
- 50140 if v>=192 and v<=223 then v1=v:goto 50160
- 50150 v1=v-128
- 50160 if len(pr$)=0 then pr$=chr$(18)+chr$(v1)+chr$(146):goto 50190
- 50170 ifright$(pr$,1)<>chr$(146)thenpr$=pr$+chr$(18)+chr$(v1)+chr$(146):goto50190
- 50180 pr$=left$(pr$,len(pr$)-1)+chr$(v1)+chr$(146)
- 50190 nextj
- 50200 print#4,pr$
- 50210 nexti:close4
- 50220 return